Account “Aldaleon”
These are the comments that can be found on Aldaleon (linked)'s profile.
Hi Aldaleon
I'm just posting this here so that you can see. In some days the Gloss of the Hour is a little weird. For example, today I got: linde Qenya noun. linde.
I am pretty sure linde in the English language means some process of making a drink. I'm not sure if this is a problem of my device or whatnot, but I've been noticing this for some glosses. Most are okay, by the way, and I really like them. Just so you know! 💝
Annon allen, namárië!
Thank you, Galadriel! The Gloss of the Hour picks randomly from the dictionary, and as you've discovered, not all glosses therein are perfect. Some are in need of attention, despite our efforts to carefully curate our data sources. In the case you identified, linde actually refers to lin in the source material. We don't always resolve such references correctly while importing from the source, leading to a gloss similar to the one you've found.
You can rest assured that I follow up on these things with every import, which is why every import are slightly improved over the last. I'll see what I can do to resolve this particular word with the next import from Eldamo.
Suilaid, Aldaleon!
I wished to take the opportunity, not simply to thank you for maintaining the site and its content, but also to ask that I might include you in the acknowledgements for the linguistic assistance for my work-in-progress.