Mae govannen! I am quite new to Middle-Earth and am attempting to create a Quenya name for myself. I've chosen the elements I want, but how should I put them together I have no idea.
The name I'd like to have is "twilight/starlight gift". I've got "anna" for "gift" and decide to keep the whole word.
As for "twilight/starlight", I am hesitating between "Tindómië [starry twilight, time near dawn]" and "Ilmarië [starlight]". Both are acceptable to me and yet I prefer the former. I haven't make the final decision because I'm not sure which would sound better.
I'll be really grateful if someone could help me to form a name that contains the two elements and "sounds good". I'm also open to suggestions in the word choice.
Looking forward to replies and many thanks in advance! (ps: Sorry for mistakes that might exist for I'm not a native English speaker. I'm learning both Quenya and English here hhh:)
Edit: I've just realized that "account xxx"is the automatic subject and I should've use "name help" instead. Folly I was!