Hi! Welcome to a brand new section of Parf Edhellen. This section pulls comments from all over the website and presents them in an aggregated view. You can at a glance get to the discussion that appeals to you.
The list view will list the avatar of the person who last contributed to the thread. New threads would therefore always show the avatar of the person which started the thread, whereas threads with multiple comments to them would show the avatar of the last contributor.
If you have a topic you would like to discuss with no immediate connection to a gloss, phrase, and account, you can press the blue button on the right "New thread" for starting a thread of your own, just like I just did!
When you comment on a gloss, a phrase, an account and a contribution, the system will automatically create a thread for you with an appropriate title, but when you create a new thread of your own by using the New thread button, you can choose yourself what sort of title your thread should have. You cannot change the title once saved.
Please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, and if you encounter any bugs.
Namárie, ~ Aldaleon