First Age Quenya Translation of common conversational phrases.

WatcherWraith #3992

Hi, I'm new here, and needed some help translating some common phrases into First Age Quenya. Things like, "how are you", "are you well", "look"(the action) "listen to me", etc. I tried just looking up words, but realized I did not know how this site's dictionary works. If someone could point me in the right direction or help with translating, I would appreciate it.

Aldaleon #3993

Noldorin Quenya? That'd be similar to the Quenya you know, only with slight nuances curtesy of Feanor.

Vanyarin Quendya? There are only a few attested words and anything else would be conjecture.


WatcherWraith #3994

Noldorin Quenya would be best. Most of the people I'm dealing with are from that people. Thank you!