Name for a daughter of Thranduil

Micaiah Elwanu #4232

So hello! I'm rather new to the site, but have no problem with wanting to figure out my problem.

So I have a character that I'm trying to name. Now in my fan lore, she's the daughter of Thranduil who married the daughter of Elu Thingol, originally Elwë. Thus I wanted to name his daughter, Gift of Elwe. Originally, I thought that Elwenyë covered it, but realized that neither the Quenya nor the Sindarin use enye for gift. It's Q: anna, or S: ann.

On, I found that I could use ien (she of) and add it to Elwe and make Elweien, which I really don't like. But at the same time I really like the whole sound of Elwenyë as well as the look.

Do you know any way I can make this literal without loosing some of the beauty of my original name?

Vyacheslav Stepanov #4233

I am not quite sure I follow the story (it is plainly stated by Tolkien that Lúthien was the only child of Thingol and Melian, and she cannot be the character you are referring to); but anyway, the name signifying “Gift of Elwë” can be Elwëanna or Elwëanwa in Quenya and Elwan(n) or Elwanu in Sindarin. Note, however, that the Sindar would not use Quenya names, as Quenya was banned by Thingol.

Micaiah Elwanu #4235

Thank you so much for replying. It helps very much and I love the name that you told me it would be. Much better than Elwien. I just don't like that at all.

Also thank you for telling me about the definiteness of Tolkien's statements. I was not aware that he said Lúthien was the only daughter of the Maia and the King of Doriath. I will definitely correct this in my story.

Thankfully, I did know about the Sindarin regulation against the use of Quenya and was only looking at the Sindar meaning anyway.

Just thank you again, I really appreciate it.

Live gloriously,

Jetta Lee