The Way Is Shut Translation

Ambarkas #4296

Mae govannen! I rewatched Return of the King recently and wanted to try translating this into Sindarin:

The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead, and the dead keep it. The way is shut.

I have: I-vên hollen. I-'Ngyrth agor ed; i-'Ngyrth garthar ed. I-vên hollen.

Lit. The way/path is shut/closed. (i - the, men - way/path, hollen - closed. I read that, in "to be" constructs, h resists soft mutation?)

The Dead built it; the Dead keep it. (in - the (pl.), gyrth - dead (people), (car-) - to build/craft, ed - it, (gartha-) - to keep/defend)

Would i-'ngyrth instead be i-'yrth or i-ñyrth? That particular bit has been giving me some trouble.

Annon allen!

Rínor #4297

I love this Ambarkas! Here are my thoughts and I am using the PE23 as well.

  • e·Râd hollen. Adabannen vo i·ñyrth, ah i·ñyrth 'erir den. e·Râd hollen.
  • The path [is] shut. Built by the dead, and the dead possess it. The path [is] shut.

I chose râd over men as I believe it fits more inline with "path". I used the verb gar- and we apply soft mutation to it because it follows the noun. This is from PE23.

This is from the PE. The usual form was even in early records i·ñwind (transcribed i·ngwind). This was due to analogy with words beginning with g-*, as i·ngelaið, the trees, i·nguin, the stones.

Oh, gartha- is "to defend" and ed prep. and pref. “out, out of, [N.] forth”

Using your version:

e-Ven hollen. i·Ñyrth agorer den; i·Ñyrth 'erir den. e-Ven hollen.

Ambarkas #4299

Thank you for your help, Rínor!

I chose gartha specifically for its "to defend" meaning, because to me personally that's how I interpret the Dead keep it, instead of "the Dead have/possess it".

This looks wonderful!

Rínor #4300

I didn't even think of that. Great choice!