Hello, I need help with some names, to translate them into Quenya. Excuse my English, I have used google translator, because my English is not very good.
Amélie - Means "worker". In Quenya work it would be "Móta-" could then be translated as Mótiel, Mótë or Mótallë ???
Lucia/Lucy- It means "Light". In Quenya Light it would be “Cala”, “Calma” or “Calë”. Could then be translated as Calië, Calmë, or Calien ???
Vera- means Faith or Truth. Faith in Quenya would be "Vórima" or "Voronda". It could then be translated as Vórimë or Vorondë. Truth in Quenya would be "Anwa" or "Naitë". Could it be translated as Anwë??
Leonor. It means "God is my Light." In Quenya God would be “Erú” / me “ná” / Light “Cala”, “Calma” or “Calë”. Could it be translated as Erúnacalë or Erúnacalmë?
Azahara- Means "beautiful woman like a flower". In Quenya Woman it is “nisë”, “nis” or “-iël” / Pretty or Beauty “Vánima” or “Netya” / Flower “indil” or “lótë”. Could it be translated as Vanimavelótiël, Netyavelótïel, Netyaveindiliël,…?
Other sources say that it comes from "other-Aenor" and the meaning of "aenor" is not clear but it is possibly "famous for its wealth". If we translate "other-Aenor" as "another famous for its wealth". In Quenya "other" = exa? // hyana. "Famous" I have not found a translation in Quenya, only "glorious" = alcarinqua / "known" = Sína. "Wealth" in Quenya would be soul. What would your translation be like then?
Thank you very much, in advance, for your help.