
Ambarkas #2598

Is this correct?

I wish to say 'I will love you forever, for you are worthy of the stars.'

Melinuva tennoio, an nalyë elenatho valda

Gilruin #2600

Not quite: ‘I will love’ would be mel·uva·n with the tense suffix before the person suffix, tye ‘you’ is missing, ‘of the stars’ would be elenion, elenath is Sindarin → I’d suggest meluvan tye, an natye valda elenion.

Ambarkas #2602

Annon allen!

Cálecolindo #2735


My name is Caltulmo, I was wondering if one of you would be able to help in the translation of the following passage from the book of the dead:

Raise yourself. You have not died. Your life force will dwell with you forever.

when you look at this, you may notice that the problem I am having lies in the idea of life force, which is not referring to the soul, but something along the lines of "life energy". I have found no equivalent of this idea so far and was also wondering if ortánuvalyexë is the right way of saying raise yourself. Hantanyel, ar Namárië!

Tamas Ferencz #2736

You asked the same question in this thread: where I gave you an answer. Was that unsatisfactory?

Calatúlo #4280

Sorry, it was indeed satisfactory, I failed to notice the reply before sending the above message.