Noldorin corlur proper name. ?Ilkorin Noldorin equivalent to rejected ᴹQ. Korolóra, itself a variant of ᴹQ. Ilkorin, from the root ᴹ√LOY (EtyAC/LOYO). It is a combination of Caur = Kôr and a suffix -lur, likely the cognate of ᴹQ. -lóra “without, less” (EtyAC/LŌ). Cognates ᴹQ. Korolóra “?Ilkorin” ✧ EtyAC/LOYO
Noldorin equivalent to rejected ᴹQ. Korolóra, itself a variant of ᴹQ. Ilkorin, from the root ᴹ√LOY (EtyAC/LOYO). It is a combination of Caur = Kôr and a suffix -lur, likely the cognate of ᴹQ. -lóra “without, less” (EtyAC/LŌ).