verb. to find, to find; [ᴱQ.] to heed
- ᴹ√KIM “light on, find, come by” ✧ PE22/125
Element in
- ᴹQ. masse akime aldar “where are the trees (to be found)” ✧ PE22/125
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√KIM > kime [kim-] ✧ PE22/125
verb. to find
Element in
- ᴹQ. nai hiruvalle Valimar; nai elle hiruva ✧ VT24/05; VT24/05
verb. to find
Element in
- ᴹQ.
már akárielya e·tuve“he finds a house that is already built” ✧ PE22/108 (már akárielya e·tuve)- ᴹQ.
már akárielya e·utúvie“he has found a house that is already built” ✧ PE22/108 (már akárielya e·utúvie)- ᴹQ.
már karnelya e·túve“he found a house that had been (already) built” ✧ PE22/108 (már karnelya e·túve)Variations
- TUV ✧ PE22/101
- tuv ✧ PE22/105