Sindarin 

Levain tad-dail

noun. two-legged animals

levain (pl. of lavan “animal, four-footed beast”), tad (“two”) + tail (pl. of tal “foot”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by

levain tad-dail

collective name. Petty Dwarves, (lit.) Two-legged Animals

A name the Sindarin used for the Petty Dwarves when they first believed they were only animals, a combination of the plural of lavan “animal” and the plural of tad-dal “two-legged” (WJ/388).


  • Levain tad-dail ✧ WJ/388
Sindarin [WJ/388; WJI/Levain Tad-dail] Group: Eldamo. Published by