Quenya ustya- verb. to smoke (intr.) A neologism coined Shihali in a Discord chat from 2018-04-20 as an intransitive verb for “to smoke”, based on the root √USUK which is generally used for “smoke” words in Neo-Eldarin. It is ✱us(u)kya- > ustya- since ky became ty in (Ancient) Quenya. Cognates ᴺS. esgia- “to smoke (intr.)” Derivations √USUK “dusk, evening, *reek, smoke; dusk, evening”
A neologism coined Shihali in a Discord chat from 2018-04-20 as an intransitive verb for “to smoke”, based on the root √USUK which is generally used for “smoke” words in Neo-Eldarin. It is ✱us(u)kya- > ustya- since ky became ty in (Ancient) Quenya.