Quenya 


noun. might, power (inherent)

The noun Q. melehte “might, power (inherent)” appeared on a rejected page of notes having to do with “large & small” words (probably from the late 1960s), where it was derived from the root √MELEK (PE17/115). The adjective form Q. melehta “mighty” appeared in another (unrejected) page of these same notes, where it was derived instead from √MBELEK. I think it is likely the rejection has more to do with changes in the root than the words, so I’d retain ᴺQ. melehtë “might, power” for purposes of Neo-Quenya.


  • MBELEK “mighty, powerful, strong; power as force or strength; great, large” ✧ PE17/115
    • BEL “*strong, [ᴹ√] strong” ✧ PE17/115

Phonetic Developments

MELEK > melehte[melekte] > [melexte]✧ PE17/115


  • melehte ✧ PE17/115 (melehte)