suffix. feminine ending
- Q. -ien “feminine ending; feminine patronymic, -daughter” ✧ PE17/170
Element in
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ✶(ĭ)ondī > -ien [-iondī] > [-iondi] > [-iœndi] > [-iœnd] > [-iœnn] > [-ienn] > [-ien] ✧ PE17/170
An occasional feminine suffix in Sindarin, in one place given as a feminine patronymic (PE17/170) as in the name Lúthien “Daughter of Flowers” (PE17/15, 161). See the entry on the root √YE(L) for a discussion of conceptual vacillations on its connection to “daughter”.
Conceptual Development: In Noldorin it seems N. -ien was simply a feminine suffix in the name N. Lhúthien “Enchantress” (Ety/LUK).