place name. Rivendell, (lit.) Deep Dale of the Cleft
- Wes. Karningul “Rivendell” ✧ LotR/1134; PMI/Imladris; PM/044
Element in
- S. Aerlinn in Edhil o Imladris “*Holy Song of the Elves of Rivendell” ✧ RGEO/62
Word Gloss imlad “deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides, gap, gully, deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides, gap, gully, [N.] dell, glen” riss “cleft, cloven, separate; cleft” Variations
- Imlad-ris(t) ✧ RC/774
Sindarin name of Rivendell (LotR/657), a combination of imlad “deep valley” and riss “cleft” (PE17/87), so literally “Deep Dale of the Cleft” (RC/482).
Conceptual Development: In Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, this name first appeared as N. Imlad-ril (rejected) >> Imladrist (TI/120), but was soon revised to Imladris (TI/146), a form that also appeared in The Etymologies with essentially the same derivation as given above (Ety/RIS²).