"Morning Bell" in Sindarin?

Zehn Waters #4198

I'm looking for the name "Morning Bell" would be in Sindarin. Somehow I got the name Erineld, though I couldn't say how (it's been years since I designed it).

Rínor #4199

Mae govannen Zehn!

We have:

  • aur “(whole) day, sunlight, [N.] morning”
  • ᴺS. amor “morning, early day”
  • nell “bell”

So you could have:

  • Aurnel/Ornel “Day-bell”
  • Amornel “Morning-bell”

But wait for others to chime in as well.

Ambarkas #4200

I believe you were using erin and nell.

Erin is an outdated word for morning, and I don't know how valid it is currently. Nell is Sindarin for 'bell', but you may have gotten the d at the end from neldë, the Quenya word for three. Those two words sound similar, which is where the confusion may have sprung from.

If you are looking for other name possibilities, I suggest these:

Quenya: Arinyellë (arin + nyellë) - this name is technically unisex but may be construed as feminine based on the ë. If you want something gendered, I recommend Arinyellissë for feminine (although that's a bit clunky) or Arinyellion/Arinyellon for masculine.

Sindarin: There is no fully attested word for morning, so I present these:

Aurnel (from aur and nell), which roughly means Day-bell, with masculine and feminine forms Aurnellon/Aurnelliel. Aurnelleth may also work as a feminine name.

Amornel (from reconstructed amor and nell), which does mean morning bell, with masculine and feminine forms Amornellon/Amornelliel. Note that since amor is a reconstruction, this may not be wholly accurate.

As always, I recommend a second opinion!

Zehn Waters #4202

Thank you @Rínor & @Ambarkas .

I think Aurnel looks best to me. While Aurnelliel, as the feminine form, might be more accurate, it looks a touch long for me.