suffix. plural suffix
- Eq. -r “plural suffix” ✧ GG/10
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources G. -tt > -th [-tt] > [-θθ] > [-θ] ✧ GG/10
suffix. abstract noun
suffix. abstract noun
suffix. abstract noun
Element in
- G. anoth “manhood†; man (fullgrown), warrior” ✧ GL/19
- G. bageth “market” ✧ GL/21
- G. daroth “summit, peak” ✧ GL/29
- G. ereth “solitude, oneness, loneliness” ✧ GL/32
- G. faroth “boundary” ✧ GL/34
- G. gadweth “union, joining; wedding” ✧ GL/36
- G. guinoth “property” ✧ GL/43
- G. gwadath(wen) “wandering, journey” ✧ GL/43
- G. gwandreth “beauty” ✧ GL/44
- G. gwareth “watch, guard, ward; vigilance” ✧ GL/47
- G. gwelaith “boil, bubble” ✧ GL/44
- G. gwilith “breeze” ✧ GL/45
- G. gwirith “expression, look (on face); look, regard, fixed look; countenance” ✧ GL/47
- G. brageth “freshness” ✧ GL/23
- G. heloth “frost” ✧ GL/48
- G. cweloth “fading” ✧ GL/28
- -oth ✧ GL/19 (-oth); GL/28 (-oth); GL/29 (-oth); GL/34 (-oth); GL/43 (-oth); GL/48 (-oth)
- -eth ✧ GL/21 (-eth); GL/23 (-eth); GL/32 (-eth); GL/36 (-eth); GL/44 (-eth); GL/44 (-eth); GL/47 (-eth)
- -th ✧ GL/43 (-th)
- -ith ✧ GL/45 (-ith); GL/47 (-ith)
suffix. plural suffix
- Eq. -i “plural suffix” ✧ GG/10
- ᴱ✶-ī + n ✧ GG/10
- -in ✧ GG/10; GG/10
suffix. abstract noun
Element in
- G. aidros “expiation” ✧ GL/17
- G. ammos “byrne, hauberk, cuirass” ✧ GL/19
- G. anos “man (fullgrown), warrior” ✧ GL/19
- G. doros “throne” ✧ GL/19
- G. archos “savagery, evil temper” ✧ GL/20
- G. adros “crossing, ford” ✧ GL/17
- G. auglas “bright sunshine” ✧ GL/20
- G. alos “forest” ✧ GL/19
- G. baros “hamlet” ✧ GG/08
- G. beleth(os) “144, a gross; a great number” ✧ GL/22
- G. blantos “sycamore” ✧ GL/23
- G. caithos “causation” ✧ GL/24
- G. danthos “(artificial) light, illumination” ✧ GL/29
- G. crithos “circle, ring” ✧ GL/27
- G. cuithos “life (period of life); living, livelihood” ✧ GL/27
- G. drauthos “toil, weariness from labour” ✧ GL/30
- G. cwivros “awakening” ✧ GL/29
- G. enos “title” ✧ GL/32
- G. fairthos “liberty” ✧ GL/33
- G. falos “sea-marge, surf, coast, line, beach; margin, fringe, edge” ✧ GL/33
- G. falchos “cliffs” ✧ GL/33
- G. fadros “satiety, weariness of anything” ✧ GL/33
- G. fimlios “skilfulness” ✧ GL/35
- G.
gandos“morose temper” ✧ GL/37 (gandos)- G. ganos “youth” ✧ GL/37
- G. gavos “yield, crop, produce” ✧ GL/38
- G. glen(d)rinios “slenderness” ✧ GL/39
- G. gonthos “great rock” ✧ GL/41
- G. gronthos “oaktree” ✧ GL/42
- G. gados “union, association, fellowship” ✧ GL/36
- G. dafros “bark, skin, peel” ✧ GL/29
- G. gobos “haven” ✧ GL/40
- G. gwinios “womanhood (time or state)” ✧ GL/45
- G. cwinglios “archery” ✧ GL/28
- G. thambros “hall” ✧ GL/72
- -os ✧ GG/08 (-os); GL/17 (-os); GL/17 (-os); GL/19 (-os); GL/19 (-os); GL/19 (-os); GL/19 (-os); GL/20 (-os); GL/20 (-os); GL/22 (-os); GL/23 (-os); GL/24 (-os); GL/27 (-os); GL/27 (-os); GL/28 (-os); GL/29 (-os); GL/29 (-os); GL/29 (-os); GL/30 (-os); GL/32 (-os); GL/33 (-os); GL/33 (-os); GL/33 (-os); GL/33 (-os); GL/35 (-os); GL/36 (-os); GL/37 (-os); GL/37 (-os); GL/38 (-os); GL/40 (-os); GL/41 (-os); GL/42 (-os); GL/72
- -ios ✧ GL/39 (-ios); GL/45 (-ios)
suffix. abstract noun
Element in
- G. obauthri “afternoon” ✧ GL/61
- G. bagri “wares” ✧ GL/21
- G. bedhri “wedding” ✧ GL/22
- G. cluimri “pleasant warmth, cosiness” ✧ GL/26
- G. cuilogri “liveliness” ✧ GL/27
- G. cuibri “vitality” ✧ GL/27
- G. cwanchri “ailment” ✧ GL/28
- G. cwedri “telling (of tales)” ✧ GL/28
- G. cwim(ri) “body, flesh” ✧ GL/28
- G. cwithri “whisper” ✧ GL/29
- G. dodri “falling” ✧ GL/30
- G. drabri “labouring” ✧ GL/30
- G. engri “flat surface, level, plane” ✧ GL/32
- G. faigri “cruelty” ✧ GL/33
- G. fofri “folly” ✧ GL/35
- G. fugri “smother (of smoke)” ✧ GL/36
- G. gimri “hearkening, attention” ✧ GL/38
- G. glaimri “serenity, fair weather” ✧ GL/39
- G. glamri “bitter feud” ✧ GL/39
- G. cagri “joke, jest” ✧ GL/24
- G. glimri “sheen” ✧ GL/39
- G. glumri “moroseness, sadness” ✧ GL/40
- G. golaudri “deluge, flood” ✧ GL/41
- G. godaithri “education, erudition; grammar” ✧ GL/40
- G. gudhri “inflammation; conflagration” ✧ GL/42
- G. gumri “burden (metaphoric), worry, trouble” ✧ GL/43
- G. gwegri “manhood (time or state)” ✧ GL/44
- G. haidri “forenoon, after breakfast” ✧ GL/47
- G. baithri “clothes, clothing” ✧ GL/21
- G. hestri “consanguinity” ✧ GL/49
- G. mabwedri “dexterity” ✧ GL/55
- G. madri “food, edibles; a meal”
- G. mavri “appetite”
- G. gothri “warfare” ✧ GL/42
- G. saigri “hunger (great), famine”
suffix. abstract noun