Early Quenya
noun. dry sand, grit
āra→ àra ✧ QL/032Cognates
- G. ôr “dry sand” ✧ GL/62
- ᴱ√ARA “(be) dry” ✧ QL/032
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√ARA > àra [ārā] > [āra] ✧ QL/032 Variations
- āra ✧ GL/62; QL/032 (
āra)- àra ✧ QL/032
A noun given as {āra >>} àra in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “dry sand, grit” given as a derivative of ᴱ√ARA “be dry” (QL/32), also mentioned as āra in contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon alongside its Gnomish cognate G. ôr of similar meaning (GL/62). It is not clear what (if any) significance the grave accent à has.