Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Quenya

ailissen oilimaisen

upon the last beaches

The nineteenth phrase (line 23) of the first version of the Oilima Markirya poem (MC/221). The first word is the locative plural of the noun aile “beach” and followed by the adjective oilima, also in locative plural form to agree with its noun.

Decomposition: Broken into its constituent elements, this phrase would be:

> ailissen oilimaisen = “✱beach-(plural)-upon last-(plural)-upon”

Conceptual Development: This phrase also appeared in the fourth, fifth and sixth drafts, though the number of times it appeared varied, as did the exact form of the locative plurals (OM1d-f: PE16/62, 72, 74).

Element in


  • {ailim’ >>} ailinisse {te} oilimasse ✧ PE16/062
  • ailisse oilimasse ✧ PE16/062
  • ailinisse oilimasse ✧ PE16/062
  • äilisse oilimasse ✧ PE16/072
  • äilinisse oilimasse ✧ PE16/072
  • ailissen {oilimasse >>} oilimaisen ✧ PE16/074
Early Quenya [MC/221; PE16/062; PE16/072; PE16/074] Group: Eldamo. Published by