noun. high mountain, peak, high mountain, peak, *(lit.) great height
Word Gloss an- “intensive prefix” tára “lofty, high” Variations
- Antaro ✧ EtyAC/N; EtyAC/TĀ
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
noun. high mountain, peak, high mountain, peak, *(lit.) great height
Word Gloss an- “intensive prefix” tára “lofty, high” Variations
- Antaro ✧ EtyAC/N; EtyAC/TĀ
A word appearing in The Feanorian Alphabet of the 1930s (PE22/22) and 1940s (PE22/52) with the glosses “high mountain, peak”. It appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s as a proper name Antaro for a mountain in Valinor, but this name did not appear in the narratives or the maps (EtyAC/N, TĀ). Based on the entries in The Etymologies, it is an intensive noun form of ᴹQ. tára “lofty, high”, so literally means “✱great height”.