An early name of the Númenóreans who remained faithful to the Valar, later called the “Elf-friends”: Ad. Nimruzîrim, Q. Elendili. It is not clear what language this word belongs to, but it may contain the word Adûnaic word for the Valar: Avalô.
adjective. faithful, faithful, *(lit.) able to endure; [ᴹQ.] continuous, enduring, repeated; [ᴱQ.] everlasting
Word Gloss -ima “-able, possibility, -able, [ᴹQ.] -ible, able to be done, [ᴱQ.] possible”
Sador was Túrin's faithful servant. The meaning of this noun is deduced from sadron , assuming that these words are in the same kind of relation as hador and hadron