Quenya 


proper name. language(s) of the Avari, *of the Avari

Term referring to the languages of the Avari (WJ/410).

Conceptual Development: The term ᴹQ. Avarin appeared in the Comparative Tables from the 1930s, replacing the older term ᴹQ. Lemberin (PE19/19). Earlier still in the 1920s, Tolkien used the term ᴱQ. Ilkorin to refer to the languages of the Elves who remained behind in Middle-earth (PE14/62), but by the 1930s the term ᴹQ. Ilkorin referred only to the languages of the Elves of Beleriand (which in still later writings became Sindarin).


Avar“Refuser, Elf who did not journey to Aman”
-rin“-ian, racial-adjective, language”
Quenya [PE18/072; WJI/Avarin] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Qenya 


proper name. language(s) of the Avari


Avar(o)“Refuser, One who does not go forth”
-rin“-ian, racial-adjective, language”
Qenya [PE18/024; PE19/019] Group: Eldamo. Published by