Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!



adjective. mighty


adjective. mighty

A word appearing as G. polodrin “mighty” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, an adjective form of G. polod “power, might, authority” (GL/64). It had an archaic variant {poldurin >>} †polurin or polorin which was sometimes used as a sobriquet for Tulcus.

Neo-Sindarin: Since ᴹ√POL(OD) still had to do with “strength” in Tolkien’s later writings, I’d adapt this word as ᴺS. polodhren “mighty, ✱powerful” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin using the later Sindarin adjective -ren. Given the meanings of its base noun (including authority), I’d assume this adjective has a connotation of political power. I’d constrast it with S. belaith which I’d use for “mighty” in general (independent of authority).


  • poldurinpolurin ✧ GL/64


  • Eq. poldórea “muscular, powerful” ✧ GL/64


  • polurin ✧ GL/64 (polurin)
  • polorin ✧ GL/64 (polorin)
  • poldurin ✧ GL/64 (poldurin)
Gnomish [GL/64; LT1A/Poldórëa] Group: Eldamo. Published by