Sindarin 


masculine name. Hamfast

A Sindarin translation of the name of Sam’s son “Hamfast”, appearing in the unfinished epilog to The Lord of the Rings (SD/121) and the King’s Letter (SD/129). The first element of the name is likely bâr “home”, and the second element is probably some derivative of the root ᴹ√BOR(ON) “endure”, perhaps born (though David Salo suggested avorn, GS/343).

Conceptual Development: In earlier drafts of the epilog, Hamfast was translated as N. Marthanc (SD/117). This is likely a combination of a variant of N. bár “home” and a mutated form of N. tanc “firm” as suggested by Roman Rausch (EE/3.2).

Element in


bâr“house, dwelling, home, house, dwelling, home; [N.] earth”
Sindarin [AotM/062; SD/121; SD/126; SD/129; SDI1/Baravorn; SDI1/Marthanc] Group: Eldamo. Published by



The first element is bar, "home". The second element, avorn, is unclear. Though it is usually taken to be related to bor(o)n, " steadfast",, it could also be related to the root ABA, indicating a reluctance to leave.

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway] Published by