Quenya 


verb. to bounce, bound, rebound


  • ᴺ✶. TANTA “bounce”

Element in

  • ᴺQ. tantara “bouncing, resilient”

Primitive elvish


root. bounce


  • ᴺQ. tanta- “to bounce, bound, rebound”
  • ᴺQ. tantal “shuttle”

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Primitive Elvish


root. *bounce

A root appearing as ᴱ√TṆTṆ in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with derivatives like ᴱQ. tanta- “bounce, bound, rebound”, and ᴱQ. tantl “shuttle” (QL/93-94). It also had derivatives in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon like G. tanta “a dance” and G. tinta- “dance” (GL/69-70). The verb ᴱQ. tanta- “bounce” also appeared in the Early Qenya Grammar of the 1920s with the same derivation, along with other verbs like ᴱQ. tantilta- “hop” and ᴱQ. tantya- “set bouncing” (PE14/58). In much later writings from around 1968, Q. tanta- was given the gloss “to play a harp” (VT41/10).

Neo-Eldarin: I prefer 1930s ᴹ√ÑGAN(AD) as the basis for “harp” words, so I’d update early ᴱ√TṆTṆ to ᴺ√TANTA “bounce” to salvage early “bounce” words, but I’d use later ᴹ√LILT for “dance” words.


  • ᴱ✶tṇt- “to bounce”
    • Eq. tanta- “to bounce, bound, rebound” ✧ PE14/058
  • Eq. tanta- “to bounce, bound, rebound” ✧ QL/093
  • Eq. tanta- “to dance (tr.), dandle, wave” ✧ QL/093
  • Eq. tantl “shuttle” ✧ QL/093
  • Eq. tantila- “to hop”
  • Eq. tantya- “to set bouncing”
  • G. tanta “a dance”
  • G. tinta- “to dance”

Element in

Early Primitive Elvish [QL/093] Group: Eldamo. Published by


verb. to bounce


  • tṇt-tṇt- “dance” ✧ PE14/058



  • Eq. tanta- “to bounce, bound, rebound” ✧ PE14/058
Early Primitive Elvish [PE14/058] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Early Quenya


verb. to bounce, bound, rebound


Element in

  • Eq. tanta(ra) “bouncing, resilient” ✧ QL/093

Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶tṇt- > tansie[tṇ̄tie-] > [tantie-] > [tantsie-] > [tansie-]✧ PE14/058
ᴱ✶tṇt- > tantye[tṇ̄tje-] > [tantje-]✧ PE14/058
ᴱ✶tṇt- > tante[tṇt-] > [tant-]✧ PE14/058
ᴱ√TṆTṆ > tanta-[tṇta-] > [tanta-]✧ QL/093
ᴱ√TṆTṆ > tante[tṇ̄te-] > [tante-]✧ QL/093


  • tanta- ✧ QL/093
Early Quenya [PE14/058; QL/093] Group: Eldamo. Published by