A word for “awakening”, most notably an element in the word Cuiviénen “Water of Awakening” (S/48). It was derived from the root √KUY (Ety/KUY). In a few places it appeared as kuive instead (PE17/68; Ety/KUY).
Conceptual Development: The earliest form for “Waters of Awakening” was ᴱQ. Koivie-néni (LT1/85), and ᴱQ. koivie was glossed as “awakening” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s (QL/48). It was glossed “liveliness” in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon, however, and ᴱQ. qîvie was “awakening” (GL/29).
cuivië noun "awakening" (early "Qenya" coivië, q.v., but this word Tolkien later used = *"life"). In Cuiviénen, "Water of Awakening" (SA:cuivië, SA:nen, KUY; spelt with a k_ in the Etymologies). Somewhat surprisingly, cuivië is used to mean "life" in cuivie-lancassë ("k"), literally 'on the brink of life' ("of a perilous situation in which one is likely to fall into death") (VT42:8)_ The form coivië is used for "life" elsewhere.