noun. shadow of trees
- ᴹ√DAY “shadow” ✧ Ety/DAY
Element in
- Ilk. Dairon ✧ Ety/DAY
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√DAY > dair [dair] ✧ Ety/DAY
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
noun. shadow of trees
- ᴹ√DAY “shadow” ✧ Ety/DAY
Element in
- Ilk. Dairon ✧ Ety/DAY
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√DAY > dair [dair] ✧ Ety/DAY
A noun meaning “shadow of trees”, derived from root ᴹ√DAY “shadow” and marked as identical in both the Ilkorin and Doriathrin dialects (Ety/DAY). Its primitive form was probably ✱✶dair- ending in some final vowel, now lost; Helge Fauskanger suggested it might be ✱✶dairē (AL-Ilkorin/dair, AL-Doriathrin/dair).