dol Reconstructed
noun. head, *hill
- N. dôl “head, hill”
- ᴹ√NDOL “*head”
Element in
- Ilk. Dol Dúghol
- Ilk. Dolmed “Wet Head”
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
dol Reconstructed
noun. head, *hill
- N. dôl “head, hill”
- ᴹ√NDOL “*head”
Element in
- Ilk. Dol Dúghol
- Ilk. Dolmed “Wet Head”
An Ilkorin noun for “head” attested only as an element in the name Dolmed “Wet Head” (Ety/MIZD, NDOL). It might also appear in Dol Dúghol, assuming that name is Ilkorin. Assuming it functions similarly to its Noldorin equivalent N. dôl, it can probably also be used to refer to a hill.