dol amroth
place name. *Hill of Amroth
Word Gloss dol(l) “head, hill” Amroth “Up-climber, High Climber”
dol amroth
place name. *Hill of Amroth
Word Gloss dol(l) “head, hill” Amroth “Up-climber, High Climber”
Capital of the province of Belfalas in Gondor (LotR/750), a combination of dol(l) “head, hill” and the name Amroth, hence: “✱Hill of Amroth”.
Conceptual Development: In Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s, this name was briefly changed to N. Barad Amroth “Castle Amroth” (WR/423), but mostly appeared as N. Dol Amroth (WR/395, TI/310).