A noun glossed “spring, issue of water”, derived from the primitive form ✶et-kelē, literally “✱out-flow”, but in ancient times the [tk] was transposed to [kt] giving ektelē (SA/kel; Ety/KEL). In Quenya, this kt became ht [xt].
Conceptual Development: In the Qenya Lexicon from the 1910s, this word appeared as ᴱQ. ektele “fountain”, a variant of ᴱQ. kektele (QL/35). This word was mentioned in a number of other documents from this period, including the Gnomish Lexicon (GL/31), the Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa (PME/46), and the Name-list to the Fall of Gondolin (PE15/23). In Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s it appeared as ᴱQ. ehtil (PE13/136, 158). In The Etymologies of the 1930s it appeared as ᴹQ. ehtele with the gloss and derivation given above (Ety/ET, KEL).
ehtelë noun "issue of water, spring" (SA:kel-, KEL, ET). Compare "Qenya" ectelë ("k")"fountain" (LT1:257, LT2:338; in LotR-style Quenya ehtelë).