Sindarin 

eithel sirion

place name. Well of Sirion

Source of the river Sirion (S/120) translated “Sirion’s Well” (WJ/182), a combination of eithel “spring, well” and the name Sirion (SA/eithel).

Conceptual Development: In Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s, this name first appeared as N. Eithyl Sirion (SM/311), revised to N. Eithel Sirion (LR/127), both with the same translation “Sirion’s Well”.


eithel“source, spring, well, source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
Sirion“Great River”
Sindarin [SA/eithel; SI/Eithel Sirion; UTI/Eithel Sirion; WJI/Eithel Sirion] Group: Eldamo. Published by