Early Quenya
noun. a thrust
- ᴱ√ELE “drive, push, thrust, send forth” ✧ QL/035
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√ELE > elta [eltā] > [elta] ✧ QL/035
verb. to drive
verb. to drive; to come
- ᴱ√ELE “drive, push, thrust, send forth” ✧ QL/035
Element in
- Eq. anwe or aiqale elta súrut lunte aiwendon lossiattea “*went on the heights driven by the wind a ship like a bird with a blossom-white neck” ✧ PE16/147
- Eq. i oromandin eller tande “the wood-spirits came thither” ✧ MC/215; PE16/090; PE16/092
- Eq. elle tande Nielikkilis “thither came little Niéle” ✧ MC/215; PE16/090; PE16/092
- Eq. unlunke naiqe yu vaile·na ar elle ha men ambostuva “*he pulled his sword from the sheath and drove it into the breast” ✧ PE16/146
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ√ELE > elin [el-] ✧ QL/035 Variations
- elta- ✧ PE16/133
- elta ✧ PE16/147