Quenya enortalë noun. resurrection A neologism for “resurrection” coined by Helge Fauskanger for his NQNT (NQNT), a combination of en- “again” and an abstract noun form of orta- “rise”, hence “✱rising again”. He also used ᴺQ. enontië base on Q. onta- “beget”, but I prefer enortalë. Elements WordGlossen-“re-, again”orta-“to raise, cause to rise, lift (up)”
A neologism for “resurrection” coined by Helge Fauskanger for his NQNT (NQNT), a combination of en- “again” and an abstract noun form of orta- “rise”, hence “✱rising again”. He also used ᴺQ. enontië base on Q. onta- “beget”, but I prefer enortalë.