Quenya 


verb. estat-

estat-, see etsat-


verb. to distribute in even portions, to distribute (in even portions), *partition

Element in

  • ᴺQ. estatië “portion, share”
  • ᴺQ. estatina “divided, shared, distributed”


  • etsat ✧ VT48/11 (etsat)
  • estat ✧ VT48/11


distribute in even portions

etsat- vb. "distribute in even portions" (apparently et- "out" + the base sat "divide, apportion"). Not cited with a final hyphen in the source (VT48:11), but some ending would obviously be required in Quenya; the verb should probably be treated as a consonant stem (primary verb). Alternative form estat-, but as pointed out in VT48:12, the transposition ts > st is not regular in Quenya.


verb. to distribute in even portions