noun. smog
Word Gloss KHITH “mist, mist, [ᴹ√] fog” USUK “dusk, evening, *reek, smoke; dusk, evening”
noun. smog
Word Gloss KHITH “mist, mist, [ᴹ√] fog” USUK “dusk, evening, *reek, smoke; dusk, evening”
A neologism for “smog” coined in a Discord discussion between Röandil and Orondil in 2021-12-20 as an erosion of ✱khith-us(u)kwē “grey smoke”. They coined this word to give an alternative to ᴺQ. quonda for those Neo-Quenya writers who feel that quo- is not a valid combination in Quenya. However, I personally think quo- is probably valid in Quenya, as discussed in the entry on how [[q|[wo] became [o]]], and as such I prefer to retain ᴺQ. quonda. If you disagree, however, then hisquë “smog” is a good alternative.