Írimë's mother-name was Lalwendë or in shortened form Lalwen, and by this name she was generally known. In some versions Írimë is called Írien which may have been her father-name.
feminine name. *Lovely
Word Gloss írima “desirable, lovely” Variations
- Írime ✧ PE17/112
- Írien ✧ PMI/Írimë
adjective. desirable, lovely
írime→ írima “desirable, lovely” ✧ PE17/112Cognates
- S. írui “desirable, lovely” ✧ PE17/155
Element in
- Q. Írimë “*Lovely” ✧ PE17/112
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources √ID > írima [īdima] > [īðima] > [īrima] ✧ PE17/112 √IR > írima [īrima] ✧ PE17/155 Variations
- írime ✧ PE17/112 (
The father-name of the fourth child and youngest daughter of Finwë (MR/207, PM/343). It seems to be a feminized form of the adjective írima “desirable, lovely”.
Conceptual Development: When she first appeared, her name was given as Írimë and she was either the middle or youngest daughter, varying in birth-order with a third daughter Faniel (MR/207, 238), who later disappeared from the texts. At one point her name was temporarily changed to Finvain (MR/262), but later still she reappeared as Írimë, as the second of only two daughters (PM/343). Confusingly, her name was then changed to Írien just a few lines later, without explanation.
Christopher Tolkien discusses the changing names for Finwë’s daughters on PM/359, notes #26 and #28. This entry uses Írimë as the most common of her names.