masculine name. All-father
Element in
- ᴹQ. Herunúmen arda sakkante lenéme Ilúvatáren “the Lord of the West [Manwe] broke the world by leave of Ilúvatar” ✧ LR/047; SD/246; SD/310
- ᴹQ. Ilu Ilúvatar en káre eldain a fírimoin “the Father made the World for Elves and Mortals” ✧ LR/072
- ᴹQ. ilyain antalto annar lestanen Ilúvatáren “to all they gave in measure the gifts of Ilúvatar” ✧ LR/072; LR/072
- ᴹQ. man táre antáva nin Ilúvatar, Ilúvatar? “what will the Father, O Father, give me” ✧ LR/072; LR/072
Word Gloss ilúve “universe, world; Heaven” atar “father” Variations
- Ilúv-atar ✧ Ety/ATA