Quenya 


(golden) blossom

lávar noun "(golden) blossom". Also loa. (PE17:159)


noun. (golden) blossom

A word in notes from the 1960s for a “(golden) blossom” with variants löar and lávar, both based on the √LAWAR having to with the colour “gold” (PE17/159). The element ᴹQ. lavar also appeared as an element in the name for a Númenorean tree ᴹQ. lavaralda in stories from the 1930s which Tolkien described as having “long green leaves [that] were golden on the undersides” and whose “flowers were pale with a yellow flush” (LR/57-68). For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would use lávar for “(golden) blossom”, since that form is more distinctive.


  • (G)LAWAR “golden light” ✧ PE17/159

Phonetic Developments

LAWAR > löar[lawar] > [loar]✧ PE17/159
LAWAR > lávar[lāwar] > [lāβar] > [lāvar]✧ PE17/159


  • löar ✧ PE17/159


(golden) blossom

lavaralda (changed by Tolkien from lavarin) noun some kind of tree (alda) (LR:57). The initial element lavar- seems to connect with the root LAWAR having to do with golden colour; cf. lávar "(golden) blossom" (PE17:159).


(golden) blossom

loar noun "(golden) blossom" (not to be confused with the pl. form of loa). Also lávar. (PE17:159)


noun. (golden) blossom