Sindarin 


masculine name. Green-foliage

The true Sindarin form of Nan. Legolas, a combination of laeg “green” and the lenited form of golas “foliage” (Let/282, PE17/56). In some places this name also appeared as S. Legolas with the diphthong [ae] reduced to [e] in the compound, (P17/84, 159), but the exact mechanism for this is unclear.

Conceptual Development: See Nan. Legolas for the earlier developments of this name.



  • laegolas ✧ Let/282
  • Legolas ✧ PE17/084
  • leg-olas ✧ PE17/159
Sindarin [Let/282; PE17/056; PE17/084; PE17/159] Group: Eldamo. Published by