A name for the fourth finger in notes on Eldarin Hands, Fingers and Numerals from 1968, a combination of ✶lepe “finger” and a reduced form of Q. canta “four” (VT47/10). Rough drafts of these notes had lepekan(t) or Q. cantil with the initial element meaning “four” and the final element Q. til “tip” (VT47/27 note #25). Later version of these notes also had lepekan, along with a more obscurely formed Q. lepente (VT48/5), whose second element is likely related to Q. net(ë) “one more [beyond the middle]” (VT47/15), as suggested by Patrick Wynne (VT48/14-15 note #5).
Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I’d use lepecan (lepecant-) for “fourth finger” as the best established of all the various forms, with Q. lepente as a more obscure variant.
lepecan ("k")noun "fourth finger" (counted from the thumb) (VT47:10, VT48:5), also lepentë