lú noun "a time, occasion" (LU)
noun. time, period of time, hour
- T. lúmë “hour, *time” ✧ WJ/367
Element in
- ᴺQ. ailumë “anytime”
- ᴺQ. allumë “never”
- ᴺQ. apalúmë “future, (lit.) after-time”
- Q. elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo “a star shines on the hour of our meeting” ✧ Let/265; Let/425; LotR/0081; PE17/013; WJ/367
- Q. illumë “*always”
- ᴺQ. lillumë “many times, often”
- ᴺQ. -llumë “-times”
- ᴺQ. lúma “clock”
- ᴺQ. lúmëa “pertaining to time, temporal”
- ᴺQ. lúmincë “minute, moment”
- ᴺQ. malumë “when”
- ᴺQ. millumë “once, one time”
- Q. nai laurë lantuva parmastanna lúmissen tengwiesto “may (a) golden light fall on your book at the times of your reading” ✧ VT49/47
- ᴺQ. nalumë “sometime(s)”
- ᴺQ. ailumë “sometimes, at times”
- ᴺQ. lúmelissen “sometimes, at times”
- ᴺQ. malumë “sometimes, at times”
- Q. Onnalúmë “Time of the Children”
- Q. násië “now and at the hour of our death: Amen” ✧ VT43/34
- Q. silumë “now, (lit.) at this time, now, at this time, *present”
- ᴺQ. silúmëa “current, contemporary, modern”
- Q. talumë “at that time”
- Q. úlumë “ever, at all times (in a series or period)”
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources √ULU > lūmē [lūmē] > [lūme] ✧ PE17/168 Variations
- lúme ✧ PE17/013; PE17/013; PE17/013
- lūmē ✧ PE17/168
time, occasion
lúmë (1) noun "time" (LU, PE17:168) or "hour", locative lúmessë (VT43:34), pl. locative lúmissen "at the times" (VT49:47), allative lúmenna "upon the hour", elided lúmenn' in the greeting elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo "a star shines upon the hour of our meeting", because the next word begins with a similar vowel. The complete form lúmenna omentielvo is found in WJ:367 and Letters:425 (footnote). Cf. also the compounds lumenyárë and lúmequenta, q.v.; see also #sillumë.