noun. plume
Element in
- ᴺQ. hendelúpea cecet “peafowl, (lit.) eye-plumed pheasant”
- ᴺQ. morilúpë “blackbird, (lit.) black plume”
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
noun. plume
Element in
- ᴺQ. hendelúpea cecet “peafowl, (lit.) eye-plumed pheasant”
- ᴺQ. morilúpë “blackbird, (lit.) black plume”
A noun for “plume” from notes on Qenya Spelling from the 1930s, descriptive of a curved tehta sign but probably inspired by (and still applicable to) the plume feather of a bird (PE22/63).