noun. hard work, burden
- ᴹ√MŌ “*labour”
Element in
- ᴹQ. aran ie mólome “being a king is a burden” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. ella nakie nye mólome “it is hard work for you to kill me” ✧ PE22/120
- ᴹQ. ha mólome a·ndake poldórear “it is hard work to kill the strong” ✧ PE22/123
- ᴹQ. ha mólome le·nakin(ye) “it is hard work for you to kill me” ✧ PE22/120
- ᴹQ. karie ye mólome “making (things) is hard work” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. mólome mára poldóreain “hard work (is) good for the strong-bodied” ✧ PE22/123
- ᴹQ. mólome nakin(ye) “hard work kills me” ✧ PE22/120
- ᴹQ. (ye) mólome nakie·nye “(it is) hard work to kill me” ✧ PE22/120