Early Quenya
noun. (native) land, nation, family, country
Element in
- Eq. Alalminóre “Land of (Many) Elms” ✧ QL/066
- Eq. Areandor “(Land of) Desert”
- Eq. Fairinor “Land of Release”
- Eq. Ingilnóre “Tol Eressea, England”
- Eq. I Nori Landar “*The Great Lands” ✧ LT1A/Nori Landar
- Eq. Inwinóre “Fäery”
- Eq. Artanor “Land Beyond”
- Eq. Ponóre “Norway”
- Eq. Ponórir “the Northlands, Scandanavia”
- Eq. Salkinóre “Africa, *(lit.) Grass Land”
- Eq. Valinor “Land of the Gods” ✧ LT1A/Valinor; LT1A/Valinor; PE14/045; PE14/075; QL/066
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴱ✶ndŏre > nōre [ndōrē] > [ndōre] > [nōre] ✧ PE13/161 ᴱ√NŌ > nōre [nōri] > [nōre] ✧ QL/066 Variations
- nórë ✧ LT1A/Valinor
- nōre ✧ PE13/161; PME/066; PME/067; QL/066
- Nōre ✧ PE15/22; QL/067 (