verb. to grow [up], to grow, grow up, reach its prime, become
Element in
- ᴹQ. ololla- “*to keep on growing”
- ᴹQ. aldar olar sana nóresse “trees grow in that land” ✧ PE22/116
- ᴹQ. i·aldar hinna ólar “the tree is still growing” ✧ PE22/116
- ᴹQ. malka aldar ólar “*how much do trees grow” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. malkar i·aldar i·ólar nóressella “how great are the trees that grow in your land?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴺQ. olanwa “fully grown, adult, mature”
- ᴺQ. olasta “growth”
- ᴹQ. olaste “growth”
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ✶golā > ola- [gola-] > [ɣola-] > [ola-] ✧ PE22/113 Variations
- ola ✧ PE22/125
verb. to become
- ᴹ√OL “grow” ✧ PE22/103
Element in
- ᴹQ. olinwa “fully grown, adult” ✧ PE22/116
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√OL > olle [onle] > [olle] ✧ PE22/103
verb. to grow
ala-→ ola- ✧ PE22/113Derivations
Element in
- ᴹQ. aldar olar sana nóresse “trees grow in that land” ✧ PE22/116 (
aldar {alar >>} olar i·nóresse)- ᴹQ. i·aldar hinna ólar “the tree is still growing” ✧ PE22/116 (
i·aldar hinna {alarye >>} olarye)- ᴹQ. alanwa “fully grown, adult, mature” ✧ PE22/112
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ✶galā > ’alā- [gala-] > [ɣala-] > [ala-] ✧ PE22/098 ᴹ✶galā́ > ala- [gala-] > [ɣala-] > [ala-] ✧ PE22/106 Variations
’alā-✧ PE22/098
prefix. many
- ᴹ√LI “many; large people” ✧ Ety/DÓRON; Ety/LI; Ety/YEN
Element in
- ᴹQ. lilótime “*many-flowered”
- ᴹQ. lindornea “having many oaks” ✧ Ety/DÓRON; Ety/LI
- ᴹQ. lintyulussea “having many poplars” ✧ Ety/LI
- ᴹQ. linyenwa “old, having many years” ✧ Ety/YEN
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√LI > lin- [lin-] ✧ Ety/DÓRON ᴹ√LI > lin- [lin-] ✧ Ety/LI Variations
- lin- ✧ Ety/DÓRON; Ety/LI; Ety/YEN (lin-)