Quenya 


verb. to warn, urge, feel an urge/wish/desire


  • S. gor- “to warn, urge” ✧ VT41/13
  • T. hor- “to warn, urge” ✧ VT41/13; VT41/15


  • GOR “deep, profound; warn, counsel; urge, impel, move, deep, profound; warn, counsel; urge, impel, move; [ᴹ√] impetus, haste, violence” ✧ VT41/11; VT41/15

Element in

  • Q. ora nin “it warns me” ✧ VT41/15


  • or- ✧ VT41/13
Quenya [VT41/13; VT41/15] Group: Eldamo. Published by


urge, impel, move

#or- vb. "urge, impel, move", only of "mental" impulse. Constructed as an impersonal verb: orë nin caritas "I would like/feel moved to do so" (VT41:13), literally *"it impels for me to do so" (notice that what is the subject in English appears in the dative in Quenya). Elsewhere this verb is presented as an A-stem ora- instead (so that the aorist would be ora instead of orë, cf. ora nin "it warns me" in VT41:15), with past tense oranë or ornë, future tense oruv[a], present tense órëa and a form orië that may be the gerund; the forms orórië and ohórië were rejected but may have been intended as perfect forms (VT41:13, 18, VT49:54)


verb. to warn, urge, feel an urge/wish/desire

Element in