Sindarin oropher masculine name. Oropher Father of Thranduil (UT/258). The meaning of his name is unclear, but it might be combination of orod “mountain” and [N.] fêr “beech-tree” (as suggested by David Salo, GS/356). In one note his name was given as (rejected) Rogner (NM/365). Changes Rogner → Oropher ✧ NM/365 Variations Rogner ✧ NM/365
Father of Thranduil (UT/258). The meaning of his name is unclear, but it might be combination of orod “mountain” and [N.] fêr “beech-tree” (as suggested by David Salo, GS/356). In one note his name was given as (rejected) Rogner (NM/365).