noun. mountain
- ᴹQ. oron “mountain” ✧ Ety/ÓROT
- ᴹ√OROT “height, mountain” ✧ Ety/ÓROT
Element in
- Ilk. Lóminorthin “Echoing Mountains”
- Ilk. Urthin Gwethion “*Mountains of Shadow” ✧ EtyAC/WATH
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√ÓROT > orth [orotō] > [oroto] > [orto] > [orθo] > [orθ] ✧ Ety/ÓROT
A Doriathrin noun for “mountain” derived from the root ᴹ√ÓROT (Ety/ÓROT). Its Old Noldorin cognate ON. oroto suggests a primitive form ✱✶orotō, where the second [o] was lost due to the Ilkorin syncope [orto]. Later the [t] became [θ] (“th”) because voiceless stops became spirants after liquids and voiceless stops in Ilkorin. Both these developments were noted by Helge Fauskanger (AL-Doriathrin/orth). This word has two distinct plural forms attested: Dor. orthin (Ety/ÓROT) and Ilk. urthin (EtyAC/WATH); this could represent distinct rules for the formation of plural nouns in the two dialects.