This was the Elvish root for round things throughout Tolkien’s life. It first appeared as ᴱ√KORO “be round, roll” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, and had Early Qenya and Gnomish derivatives like ᴱQ. korima “round” and G. corm “ring, circle, disc” (GL/26). ᴹ√KOR “round” reappeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s with derivatives in both Quenya and Noldorin (Ety/KOR). √KOR “round” was also mentioned in etymological notes probably written in the early 1960s (PE17/184). Its derivatives like Q. corma “ring” (LotR/953) and S. cerin “(circular) mound” (LotR/350; RC/309) appeared regularly in Tolkien’s later writings.
Primitive elvish
root. making a hissing foaming noise
- Q. Ossë ✧ PE17/138
root. round, round; [ᴱ√] be round, roll
- ᴺQ. cornë “loaf”
- ᴺQ. coro “around”
- Q. coron “mound, mound; [ᴹQ] globe, ball”
- ᴺQ. corpë “skull”
- ᴺQ. coropë “skull”
- ᴺQ. corta- “to roll up, roll, pack”
- Q. corto “circle”
- S. cerin “circular mound, artificial hill, circular mound, artificial hill; [N.] round enclosure”
- S. cor “ring, circle”
- ᴺS. corob “skull”
- S. corod “circle”
Element in
A root appearing in a list of “sound words” from 1959-60, described as “making a hissing foaming noise” and serving as the basis for the name Q. Ossë (PE17/138). This is only one of many different etymologies for that name, and I think it probably represents a transient idea.