Quenya 


say, speak

quet- vb. "say, speak" (SA:quen-/quet-, LT2:348), sg. aorist quetë in VT41:11 and VT49:19 (spelt "qete" in the latter source), not to be confused with the infinitival aorist stem in the example polin quetë "I can speak" (VT41:6); pl. aorist quetir in VT49:10-11, present tense quéta in VT41:13, pa.t. quentë in PM:401, 404, apparent gerund quetië in VT49:28 (by Tolkien translated as "words", but more literally evidently *"speaking"). Imperative in the command queta Quenya! "speak Quenya!" (PE17:138), see Quenya regarding the meaning of this phrase. The same verb is translated "tell" in the sentence órenya quetë nin "my heart tells me" (VT41:15). Cf. also #maquet-

Sindarin 


verb. to speak, to say

Sindarin [pedo, arphent LotR/II:IV, TL/21:09] Group: SINDICT. Published by



_ v. _say. Q. quĕt-. >> pedo

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:40] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by



Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:173] < PED fall in steep slant, incline, slope. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


verb. to say, speak


  • Q. quet- “to say, speak, tell, to say, speak, tell, [ᴱQ.] talk” ✧ PE17/040; SA/quen
  • T. pet- “to tell”


  • KWET “say, speak, utter words” ✧ SA/quen
    • KWE “vocal speech” ✧ WJ/392

Element in

  • S. adbed- “to rephrase” ✧ PE17/167
  • S. man agorech? “*and said Rían to Tuor: what have we done?” ✧ VT50/20; VT50/20
  • ᴺS. athrabed- “to discuss, exchange words”
  • ᴺS. dambed- “to answer”
  • S. aphed- “to answer”
  • S. ephed- “to say out”
  • S. guren bêd enni “my heart tells me” ✧ VT41/11
  • ᴺS. mabed- “to ask [a question]”
  • S. pedo beth mellon “say the word mellon” ✧ VT44/26
  • S. pedo mellon a minno “speak, friend, and enter; (alternately) say ‘friend’ and enter” ✧ LotR/0305; LotR/0308; PE17/040
  • S. pedweg “talkative, saying a lot”
  • S. penbed “not pronouncable” ✧ PE17/145

Phonetic Developments

quet- > pedo[kwet-] > [pet-] > [ped-]✧ SA/quen
Sindarin [Let/424; LotR/0305; LotR/0308; PE17/018; PE17/040; PE17/144; PE17/145; PE17/167; SA/quen; VT41/11; VT44/26; VT50/20] Group: Eldamo. Published by


verb. speak! say!

Sindarin [LotR/II:IV, Letters/424] Group: SINDICT. Published by

pedh- Reconstructed

verb. to fall in steep slant, incline, slope, to incline, slope, fall in steep slant

A strong verb in Sindarin given as ped- and presumably of the same basic meaning as its root √PED “fall in steep slant, incline, slope” (PE17/173). Its actual Sindarin form would be ✱pedh-, since [[s|[d] generally became [ð]]] in Sindarin. Tolkien also gave the verb penna- “come down in a slant, fall”, so it may be that ✱pedh- means only “incline, slope”.


  • PED “slope, slant down” ✧ PE17/173

Phonetic Developments

PED > ped-[ped-] > [peð-]✧ PE17/173


  • ped- ✧ PE17/173



ped- (i **bêd**, i phedir) (say), pa.t. pent (attested in mutated form -phent); the imperative pedo is also attested.: No word simply meaning “spear” is attested, but cf. the following:



(i bêd, i phedir) (say), pa.t. pent (attested in mutated form -phent); the imperative pedo is also attested.



ped- (i **bêd**, i phedir) (speak), pa.t. pent (attested in mutated form -phent); the imperative pedo is also attested.



(i bêd, i phedir) (speak), pa.t. pent (attested in mutated form -phent); the imperative pedo is also attested.



verb. to say

A verbal form of Ad. bêth “expression, saying, word” attested only as an agental-formation as part of the noun izindu-bêth “true-sayer” (SD/427); see that entry for further discussion of its phonetic development. As suggested by Thorsten Renk suggested (NBA/24, 26), the verb stem is probably bith-, consistent with its primitive root ✶Ad. √BITH. Since agental forms generally have a lengthened or fortified vowel, the verb stem bith- could have the fortified agental form -bêth.


  • √Ad. BITH “say”
    • KWET “say, speak, utter words”
    • KWE “vocal speech” ✧ WJ/392

Element in

Noldorin 


verb. to speak

Element in

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Primitive adûnaic


root. say

A root glossed “say” (SD/416), from which bêth “expression, saying, word” is most likely derived. It may be related to the Primitive Elvish root √KWET; see the entry on bêth for further discussion.


  • KWET “say, speak, utter words”
    • KWE “vocal speech” ✧ WJ/392


  • Ad. bêth “expression, saying, word”
  • Ad. bith- “to say”
Primitive adûnaic [SD/416] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Qenya 


verb. to say


  • ᴹ√KWET “say”

Element in

  • ᴹQ. [[mq|laqe[t]-]] “[unglossed]”
  • ᴹQ. ni qente (sa) e·tule “I said he is coming, I said (that) he was coming” ✧ PE22/119
  • ᴹQ. ni qente (sa) e·tulle “I said he came, I stated that (at some time previous to my speaking) he came (but was no longer present)” ✧ PE22/119
  • ᴹQ. ni qente (sa) e·utúlie “I said he had come” ✧ PE22/119
  • ᴹQ. ni qete (sa) e·tule “I say (that) he is coming” ✧ PE22/119
  • ᴹQ. ni qetis tule “I tell him to come, say to him to come, bid him to come” ✧ PE22/118
  • ᴹQ. ni·te·qete tule “I tell him to come, say to him to come, bid him to come” ✧ PE22/118
  • ᴹQ. qeqetta- “to repeat, keep on saying”
  • ᴹQ. qettima “utterable”
  • ᴹQ. avaqet- “to refuse, forbid”


  • quete- ✧ SM/206
Qenya [PE22/118; PE22/119; SM/206] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Middle Primitive Elvish


root. say


  • ᴹ✶kwentā “tale” ✧ Ety/KWET
    • ᴹQ. qenta “tale, story, account, history” ✧ Ety/KWET
    • N. pent “tale, story” ✧ Ety/KWET
  • ᴹ✶kwentrō “narrator, reciter, minstrel” ✧ Ety/KWET; PE18/050; PE19/040
    • Ilk. cwindor “narrator” ✧ Ety/KWET
    • ᴹQ. qenso “minstrel” ✧ PE19/040
    • ᴹQ. qentaro “narrator, reciter, minstrel” ✧ Ety/KWET; PE18/050; PE19/040
    • N. pethron “narrator, reciter, minstrel” ✧ Ety/KWET
    • On. pentro “reciter, minstrel” ✧ PE18/050
    • N. pethron “narrator, reciter, minstrel” ✧ PE18/050
    • ᴹT. pentro “reciter, minstrel” ✧ PE18/050
  • ᴹ✶kwetta “word” ✧ Ety/KWET
    • N. peth “word” ✧ Ety/KWET
  • ᴹQ. qetil “tongue, language, talk” ✧ Ety/KWET
  • ᴹQ. qet- “to say”
  • N. pennas “history” ✧ Ety/KWET

Element in

  • ᴹQ. lúmeqenta “history, chronological account” ✧ Ety/LU
  • ᴹQ. avaqet- “to refuse, forbid” ✧ Ety/KWET


  • PET ✧ Ety/KWET
Middle Primitive Elvish [Ety/KWET; Ety/LU; PE18/050; PE19/040] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Early Noldorin


verb. to say


  • ᴱ√QETE “*speak”

Element in

  • En. peidion “sayer, soothsayer” ✧ PE13/164
Early Noldorin [PE13/132; PE13/152; PE13/164] Group: Eldamo. Published by